Monday, September 26, 2011

ひらがな learning

So.. I almost know all my ひらがな.. the only ones I don't correctly recognize on sight are ね、ぬ、め、む、ろ、る、 and れ.

Of course, just because I can recognize and translate from hiragana to romanji doesn't mean I can do the opposite yet... I'll need to work on that still :(


  1. わたしも。I'm fine reading ひらがな just by itself, but I don't like being forced to recall random characters quickly. I just blank out randomly...

  2. The only kana I have trouble remembering when I write is "Mu" which is annoying considering how often I want to say "日本語はむずかしいですね." It doesn't FEEL the same as the other characters because the pen sort of swings backward on the important stroke.

    Differentiating similar kana is tough, but imagine learning English now? 'b' & 'd', 's' & 'z', 'c' & 'k', 'R' & 'K'...

    't' & 'l' & 'i' & 'I' & 'T' & 'L' -- they are all lines! How did I ever figure this out?!


  3. The way that I learned hiragana was by making flashcards and just writing the characters over and over again. You should try something like that

  4. Don't worry! It's hard, and everyone is trying to get the hang of it. I agree with Nichols san, use flashcards.

  5. I've been learning from experience but ”を”と”も” still get me. I nearly forgot ひ on the exam and it took the longest time to recognize the difference between め and ぬ. ひらがな was hard, but I'm even more scared by カタカナ. Good luck!

  6. こんばんは!

    Wow! Those ひらがな were the ones that were hard for me when i learned. But it gets easier. No worries :)
