Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm starting to learn a few, and I can write my name 100% of the time! As... "practice", I went shopping at M2M, but was disappointed (or maybe this was better for my studying) to find that almost everything written in カタカンア was also written somewhere else in romanji... Oh well, the first of many things I'm sure will become demystified...

Also.., how will I ever tell the difference (whether reading or writing lol) between シ と ツ?  むりです。


  1. I agree Japanese is really a mysterious language! I hope even if things become clearer, it will still continue to intrigue you! Good question, the difference between シ and ツ,
     ソ and ン can be tricky! You have to pay attention to the direction of the slanted strokes, and also the stroke direction of the bottom stroke. (which you can tell when people write in pencil!) -すぎもと

  2. ああ、 どうも ありがとう ございます。 Can one really tell stroke order on inspection? わたしは おどろいて。
